
2012 : Ph.D Reproduction Physiology & Behavioural Ecology, University of Pau.

2008 : MASTER 2 Function and Dysfunction of Aquatics Ecosystems, University Bordeaux 1

2007 : MASTER 1 Coastline Environment (Equivalent to BSc in Marine Biology)

            University of La Rochelle, 1st Semester.

            University Of Southampton, NOCS, England, 2nd semester

2006 : Bachelor Biology of Organisms, Populations and Ecosystems (BOPE) University Paul Sabatier, University of Toulouse. (UPS)

-Work Experience- 

June 2015 - Actual:         Post-doc researcher at the Laboratory of Physiology and Genomics of Fish, INRA PHASE (Rennes). Subject: Impact of early stressors (food, mechanic and pheromone) on fish behaviour, neuroendocrinology and neurophysiology (ANR PRESTOCOG & AGREENFISH)

Aug 2013 - June 2015:    Post-doc researcher at UFMT & UNEMAT, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Program: Ciência sem fronteiras, CAPES : Young Talent Fellowship. Subject: Impact of ecotourism on the behaviour and physiology of fishes

Feb 2013: Guest researcher at the Laboratory of Physiology and Genomics of Fish, INRA (Rennes). Subject: Identification of new sex markers in eel.

Oct 2009 - Dec 2012: Ph.D candidate, Laboratory of Behavioral Ecology and Biology of Fish Communities INRA EFPA (ECOBIOP). Subject: Environmental Sex Determination in the European Eel

Nov 2008 - Aug 2009: Research Assistant in biology/physiology at the Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear safety IRSN, Laboratory of Radioecology and Ecotoxicology (LRE) Subject: Impairment of the zebrafish's reproduction following a Uranium contamination: Impact at the population level.

Jan 2008 - June 2008: Research assistant at the Marine station of Arcachon CNRS, (GEMA). Subject: Impact of gold and cadmium nanoparticles on the zebrafish Danio rerio administrated by trophic transfer.

Apr 2007: Research assistant at the National Oceanographic Center of Southampton NOCS. Subject: Impact of iron and light intensity on the growth's rate of two diatoms Thalassiosira weissflogii and Thalassiosira pseudonana

Feb 2007: Scientific training at the aquaculture center: L'Esturgeonnière. Subject: Reproduction of Acipencer Baeri.

July 2006: Scientific training at The Research Marine Entropic Ecosystems Centre (La Rochelle) Subject: The role of Copepods in the viral shunt.

© 2016 Benjamin Geffroy. Research Scientist, CR2. Ifremer - french research institute for exploitation of the sea
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